Parent Connection Night


visual schedule


Parent Connection Night
Monday, March 20  |  6:30-7:30 PM  |  Greenleaf Family Center

Topic:  Building Visual Schedules and Social Stories

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Is getting your child out the door for school in the morning a daily struggle?  What about bedtime?  Does the thought of Spring Break and the loss of routine cause you to panic?

Many children with disabilities take comfort in having a regular schedule. Maintaining a routine can help prevent sensory overload and confusion for a child with disabilities. A visual schedule can prepare a child for the day’s events by showing them step-by step how the day will unfold. Social stories explain social situations to autistic children and help them learn ways of behaving in these situations. Additionally, social stories model the steps needed to accomplish a task.

Join the Autism Society of Greater Akron as we construct social stories and visual schedules that benefit your child. 

Come network with other famiies while you learn:

  • How to prepare your child for a change in his/her schedule (vacations, unexpected free time, holidays, weekends, etc.) using visual schedules.
  • How to engage your child in independent skill-building using social stories (sequencing, promoting self-regulation, decreasing anxiety, memory development, etc.).
  • How to use simple supplies to build social stories and visual schedules as your child grows and learns.


WHAT SHOULD I BRING?  Nothing.  ASGA will provide all of the supplies!

COST: $10.00

Registration is required.

NOTE:  While there is a focus on autism, parents of children with all abilities are welcome!


Event Details

Event Start Date 03-20-2023 6:30 pm
Event End Date 03-20-2023 7:30 pm
Location Greenleaf Family Center
We are no longer accepting registration for this event